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More. Better. Faster. That seems to be what's coming at us, all around around us, even bubbling up inside of us. 14 years ago something changed the direction of my More Better Faster Train and gave me a complete 180.
Slower. Less hurried. Life-giving. What began as the most difficult thing I've ever experienced God has used greatly in my life. He helped me to slow down and focus on the important, rest more fully in Him, and cultivate healthy habits.
For me it was a diagnosis. For you maybe it's stress, schedule, health, relationships... the list could go on and on.
But the prescription is the same - Slower. Less hurried. Life-giving. With roots in Jesus.
That's why I created this video mini-course to share the actionable lessons I've learned along the way into some simple steps. Register now to receive these actionable 10-minute videos in this free mini-course.
Matt Heffner, Our Daily Rest
You can access it right here, right now. It's time to finally stop feeling overwhelmed and busy and begin to live a life that cultivates our God given rest.
You'll also receive my email "The Simple 5" each week. I think you'll love it!
Copyright 2018, Our Daily Rest